SUMNER Eventer 25 Crank Super Lift (PAIR) NEW Genie Quality - Line Array Lifts! - $6,899 - (Stevens Point, WI)
All 3 models in stock today, 16, 20 & 25 SUMNEROne Pair of Eventer 25 LiftsIn stock & available for immediate shipment! (Hook Block & Sound Array Bar accessories also available, just ask us) Designed Exclusively For The Entertainment IndustryWe also have available the Eventer 16 and 20 Lift.Email for more information on the Eventer 16 or Eventer 20 Lifts For Lifting and Supporting Speakers, Lights and Stage EquipmentBlack anodized aluminum telescoping masts fade out on the stageLifts 650 lbs. 25’Sumner-built winch specifically designed for the applicationCompact - folds up for storage and transportLow mast heights fit through most doorways and truck tailgatesWinch cable away from operatorForks reverse for added heightSafety stripe markings on legsLarge, rubber padded leveling jacksRobust quick-action plungersLifting bar for hoisting the Eventer LOAD CAPACITYLOAD CENTER 13 in MAXIMUM CAPACITY 650 lbs17 in. MAXIMUM CAPACITY 495 lbs 21 in. MAXIMUM CAPACITY 400 lbs. 25 in. MAXIMUM CAPACITY 340 lbs. NOTE: RCF TT-33A SPEAKERS SHOWN ARE FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSE ONLY. NOT INCLUDED IN THIS AUCTION BUT AVAILABLE FOR SALE. Since taking photos for our listing, Sumner has changed to using a new, stage friendly Matte Black finish. Making these even better for your next stage lifter!

From - 1 month ago