Freshwater Shrimp Breeding Pack (24 Karot Sunkist A+)Neocaridina Davidi 50 total - $350 - (Warrensburg, MO)
Best quality ornamental shrimp directly from established selective breeding lines. Each Breeding pack has only the highest quality A+ grade shrimp and comes with 10 mature males, 25 mature females with eggs, 10 Juvenals and a bonus of 5 babies. Each line has established traits with minimal variation and are products of Davinci Aquatic Labs (r). Through selective breading methods a resilient line of Bright Orange became established. This distinct Bright Orange line is called 24 Karat Sunkist(c). This line of Neocardian Dividi Shrimp has shown to be able to withstand a wide range of water parameters. Their resiliancy and their bright color both have proven to be coveted traits. Given the right parameters, this colony can grow to 200 shrimp in 45 days. 50 Shrimp total in order. Other breeding packs of established lines and larger quantity sizes are available. When breeding, about 10% of offspring will be a varied color and may need to be taken into another tank to keep a very predominate line established. Please contact If the varied 10% produces a shrimp of rare brilliant color. //Signed//-Divinci Aquatic Labs“Beneficial Eugenics Research”
From - 1 month ago