2x NOS SINGER Sewing Machine Decal Set EAGLE for Model 15 & Full Size Models - $13 - (Albert City, IA)
(2x) NOS Original SINGER SEWING MACHINE decal sheets, originally printed for use on Singer Model 15 machines made in China and Taiwan from the 1970s-2000s. These were designed to be used on the Singer 15, but can be adapted for use on many other Singer models of equivalent size. The decals are similar to the EAGLE (a.k.a. RAF or Seagull) style that were used by Singer from the 1930s-1940s, but they are not exactly the same. Also, there are fewer decals in the set than used in the 1930s/40s. See photos. You get 2 sets of decals, enough for 2 machines (or use the 2nd set to replace any damaged in application). They are printed face down, so the silver color you see in the photos is the metal leaf backing. The "front side" is yellow/gold colored. (1) Before use, spray the back (silver side) with 1 to 2 coats of clear coat or varnish and let dry. (2) Cut the decal you want to apply from the sheet. Be sure to cut close to the design, using a sharp blade. (3) Separate the tissue paper from the white card stock, which exposes the front/gold colored side. (4) Position on the machine with the gold side up. (5) Wet the decal. The decal should separate from the tissue paper. You can use a blade to separate the decal from the tissue by picking at the edge. Alternatively, you can allow allow both to dry in place and peel the paper away after the decal has dried to the machine. (6) In either case, be sure to apply pressure to the decal while still wet so that it adheres well to the machine and to remove air bubbles. (7) After all decals are placed and dry, a finish coat of 1 to 2 coats of clear coat or varnish should be sprayed on the machine to protect the decals.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago