Western Art Charles A. Beil (1894-1976), CA Bronze Bucking Horse 8/30 - $1,475 - (Spokane, WA)
A fine bronze by an artist of historical significance. ***A SHORT TRIP*** Very Rare Bronze Charles A. Beil (Biel) 1894-1976 Beil was born in Germany, but left home when he was eleven and worked as a cabin boy for two years before jumping ship in Argentina. He spent some years working with South American Gauchos before coming to North America. In the west he handled teams of oxen and drove twenty-mule teams in southern Arizona. He eventually reached Montana where he worked as a cowboy. Wanting to become a sculptor he met C. M. Russell in Great Falls. The two became instant friends. Beil set up a studio in Great Falls and the two visited each others studios. Beil was considered a friend to Russell like Schreyvogel, and Borein. Two days before he died, Russell took local newspaper writers to Beil’s studio to get publicity for Beil. In describing Beil, Russell said, “Best feller I ever seen modeling hosses an’ cowpunchers.” In 1926 he led Russells funeral procession with Russell’s empty saddle horse. He also helped Mrs. Russell resettle in California. Charlie Beil spent his artistic career in both the United States and Canada. He received the Canada Medal and an honorary doctorate from the University of Calgary. He was also made an honorary member of the Cowboy Artists of America. Check AskArt for comparable Beil prices. This bronze was designed and used as a prize at the Calgary Stampede. Title: A SHORT TRIP Medium: Bronze Edition: 8/30 Size: 8 1/4” x 10” x 6 1/2" (Base size is not included) Signed in the bronze C. A. Beil.

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