Aqua Rex WK1-E Physical Water Conditioner for Residential - $275 - (Guthrie, OK)
Aqua Rex WK1-E Physical Water Conditioner for Residential in very good working condition. Pictures are of actual item you will receive.Performance tested by IAPMO R and T LabsFor Electric Water Heaters and Well ApplicationsEasy 20 minute installation. No pipes to cut.Removes old scale buildup, and eliminates future scaling.No salt. No chemicals. No changing cartridges. Fit it and forget it. Aqua-Rex is the name used in the USA for the product known as Water-King in the rest of the world. Aqua-Rex is an electronic Physical Water Conditioner that inhibits scale formation in hot and cold water services, removes existing scale deposits and partially softens hot water. It is effective at reducing scaling in plumbing systems, shower heads, swimming pools, cooling towers, water features - anywhere that calcium can build up. It is installed by wrapping wires around the cold water supply pipe which can be made of any material. It requires no pipe cutting for installation and there is no need for ongoing maintenance or servicing.Aqua-Rex is very effective at removing existing scale deposits from water heaters, tanks and plumbing. Descaling occurs within a few weeks. The scale breaks away in small plates as it loses adhesion with the surface that it is encrusting. Important: In existing systems that are already badly scaled it may be worth considering fitting a filter on the hot flow from the water heaters to protect blending valves and other appliances. To achieve this, Aqua-Rex uses pre-programmed micro-chips to transmit pulses of electrical charge into the water at varying frequencies and amplitudes. These "signals" cause some of the salts in the water to form sub- microscopic clusters. When the water is then heated, the clusters act as nucleation seeds upon which the calcium carbonate (lime scale) precipitates. Instead of the hard encrustation on pipes and heating elements that normally occurs when water is heated, the precipitation takes the form of tiny calcium carbon

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