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DHR Brass Oil Ankerlicht - $180 - (Cedar Grove, WI)

I have no idea of the age, but it is stamped DHR Holland. It is an oil, brass and glass anchor light from a old and respected manufacturer in Holland. It is in decent shape and has a few marks on the brass here and there. I decided to wipe it clean with water and mild soap and dry. I opted not to take any polishing compounds or other to it. It is 9 inches from top to bottom and the 4 inch glass is in perfect condition. I suspect it may be a few years old since they don't make this size currently as I checked DHR's website. Willing to offer additional detailed pix if necessary.

DHR Brass Oil Ankerlicht
DHR Brass Oil Ankerlicht


Posted in Cedar Grove, WI, Antiques
From - 1 month ago