1765 Large Norweign Immigrant Wedding Trunk - $1,700 - (South St. Paul, MN)
Unbelievable Museum quality Norwegian Wedding trunk dated 1765. This trunk is a Norwegian 1765 wedding trunk that was regifted in 1852 when the Jon Gunnison came to the United States. I have space the paperwork from his Parish October 19th 1851 with his intent to e m i g a t e from Dal Tinn, Telemark, Norway to the US. I have paperwork showing his baptism and his birth certificate. he was born Januaty 20, 1834. In Dallas Tinn, Telemark , Norway He farmed in Rock Dell, MN Wwhich is in Olst3ad County in MN Minnesota in 1952 if you look closely or can read Gothic you can see his name on the top in black Jon Gunnison 1852. His grave is located in the ZION Cemetary, Rock Dell, MN. He had several children . His grave marker is shared with his son Carl and 1st wife. This piece is large and weighs over 60 lbs. ship through Fasten al to assure the trunk is not damaged. It's a unique piece especially. it's older that the US.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago