Traxxas E-Revo And Slash 2wd Brushed With EXTRA Tires And 2 Batteries - $350 - (Eau Claire, WI)
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Posted 1 month ago
• Traxxas E-Revo Brushed RTR• Traxxas Slash 2wd Brushed RTR• 2 NMIH Traxxas Batteries• 2 Slash (2.2) Proline Trencher tires• Traxxas Speed Charger The Slash and E-Revo have both been ran for a while. The bodies are a little beat up and that slash has a few cracks in the body but still holds together and catches the landings. Each truck is still in good condition and still have a lot more run time. The slash is a great starter to getting into hobby grade rc while that E-Revo really packs a punch and has lots of power to spare.

From - 1 month ago