US Lighthouse Service Establishment Chelsea Clock USLH Boston - $2,750 - (Berne, NY)
Another rare Lighthouse service item. A Chelsea marine clock. 3 1/2 dial and overall diameter across the back is 5 3/4. Serial number 27815B. The 'B" denotes it was made by the Chelsea subsidiary Boston Clock Co with it's signature nickel plated finish on the movement. Chelsea records indicate it was sold to the Lighthouse Service on 7/29/1932. See Chelsea Company the First Hundred Years by Andrew Demeter. The book is available on eBay under sell AKA315. Finding cases and movements with matching numbers is difficult. The repair depot didn't worry about matching movements to cases. In addition many cases were scrapped due to corrosion from the harsh condition these clocks served under. It has been serviced and is running and keeping good time. It has a 7 jewel platform escapement that I believe is also original to this clock. The nickel finish is dull and has wear along with some drops of paint. The dial is dirty but presentable. Be sure to watch our auctions as we will be listing more lighthouse service clocks over the coming months including a Howard marine lever clock that served aboard the USS Camellia. Import taxes and duties are the responsibility of the buyer.

From - 1 month ago