This brass and wood binnacle stands 56" (~4.5') high x 39" wide (Ball to Ball) x 24" deep. The binnacle is designed to dampened sway and serves to reduce oscillations. There is a removable "Hood" which protects the Compass area (entire hood is removable). There are 2 brass handles on either side of the hood, these are in place to aid in lifting the hood. On the actual compass: 360' dial and text reading Heath & Co, No. 986., London. S.E.9. There are 2 compensating sphere's, original & steel (Red & Green), mounted on either side of the hood & resting on large plate ledges/arms, they are 7" in diameter x 9-1/4" high & movable. On the front of the Binnacle, you will find a brass clinometer instrument (a horizon leveler tiltmeter, used to test the ships lists port &/or starboard). Viewing (lens) glass window clear & no cracks. There is a brass "chart/map" cylinder on the back, 3-1/2" diameter x 23-1/2" high, with brass lid. A small, thick wood hinged door can be opened to reveal the lower area of the compass and houses the chain mechanism track, which guides the chain downward inside of the binnacle. Binnacle is located in Skiatook, Oklahoma. Pick up only. No shipping. This item is heavy and you will need to bring two healthy people to pickup.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago