2017 Generac MMG130D Diesel Generator with 10 amp battery charger - $49,000 - (Heber City, UT)
Moving Forward - Keeping Pace with Emissions Technology Reliable engine performance and reduced emissions walk hand in hand in Generac|Magnum Generator models as we keep pace with emissions technology meeting required emissions regulations. The MMG130D is powered by an Interim Tier 4 John Deere PowerTech engine.The MMG130D is powered by a John Deere PowerTech engine which utilizes a catalyzed exhaust filter that contains a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and a Diesel Particulate Filter.(DPF) The DOC reacts with exhaust gases to reduce the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and some particulate matter(PM). The downstream DPF traps and holds the remaining PM, which are oxidized within the DPF through a continuous process called passive regeneration.Engine & generator protection with our advanced Magnum Digital Controller (MDC) Voltage regulation is plus or minus ½% 342 gallon fuel capacity standard for 44 hours of run time Air filter condition indicator on control panel 2 year - 2,000 hour warranty Low coolant shutdown White aluminum textured powder coat enclosure, sound attenuated baffles and insulation to reduce noise, 68 dBA at prime Fully lockable enclosure with stainless steel exterior hardware Industrial strength steel skid frame and dual axle trailer Central lift structure and convenient ladder on center of generator Voltage selector switch (single phase & two 3-phase) Electronic governor Lugs and lug box safety switch, if cover is opened circuit breaker is tripped Several convenience outlets with individual breakers Durable external emergency E-stop switch External fuel fill with lockable cap Automatic remote start capable, located on control panel

From ebay.com - 1 month ago