Football Stadium (can be used for scrap) - $2,500 - (Brenham, TX)
This may sound like an odd thing to sell but at GovDeals we do it all the time! Blinn College is auctioning off their stadium on GovDeals is an on-line auction web sitestrictly for government items. For more info or to place a bid copy and paste this url into your browser: or go to and type 5174-23 in the search bar and click the QAL option. Price reflects current high bid | There are currently no bids on the stadium Blinn College Football Stadium Bleachers and Press box Demo You are bidding on a set of Football Stadium Bleachers and Press Box to be sold for salvage. The Bleachers are 260' x 51' and include the metal framing, wooden landings, wood and aluminum seats, metal railing, etc. The Press Box is an 8' x 44' wooden framed structure located atop the Bleachers.

From Claz - 1 month ago