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1900 GREENCASTLE, PA - Standard Supply Co. Catalog, Home, Medical, Novelties, - $10 - (Martinsburg, WV)

Early 1900's - Season's Book of NoveltiesStandard Supply Company, Greencastle PA Vintage catalog of various home goods, toys, novelties, medical devices, silverware, kitchen utensils, scales, etc.Some of the interesting items:Women's pad holder "New Victoria Protector" (an entire page devoted to it!)Ladies Model Syringe for personal cleaningHome Medical Battery (electrical stimulation)Magic tricksKitchen utensils - cake tin, slicer, doughnut cutter, egg separator, etcHigh grade musical instrumentsCuckoo clockSterling silver plated tea setLots more... Winning bidder to pay $3.00 for shipping & handling. U.S. Bidders only. Thanks for bidding and have a great day!! Note on shipping: I ship most books by Media Mail; which normally takes 5 to 10 days for delivery. However, once in a great while media mail can take several weeks; so please be patient! My only alternative to Media Mail is to significantly raise my shipping & handling rates; which I prefer not to do. Lightweight books, comics & postcards (anything less than about 11oz) goes First Class Mail. Powered by SixBit's eCommerce Solution

1900 GREENCASTLE, PA - Standard Supply Co. Catalog, Home, Medical, Novelties,
1900 GREENCASTLE, PA - Standard Supply Co. Catalog, Home, Medical, Novelties,
1900 GREENCASTLE, PA - Standard Supply Co. Catalog, Home, Medical, Novelties,
1900 GREENCASTLE, PA - Standard Supply Co. Catalog, Home, Medical, Novelties,
1900 GREENCASTLE, PA - Standard Supply Co. Catalog, Home, Medical, Novelties,


Posted in Martinsburg, WV, Books
From - 1 month ago