Ariocarpus Lophophoras Complete Cacti Mineral substrate mix.Pumice Akadama Lava+ - $25 - (Shreveport, LA)
This substrate mix contains, *Akadama *Pumice *Lava Rock *Limestone *Diatomaceous Clay *Expanded Shale *Perlite *Desert Sand *Azomite (trace mineral supplement) I have composed this mineral substrate to bed desert cacti that commonly grow in the South and Western States and Mexico. The benefits of using a purely mineral mix is that it inhibits fungal infections and rot because it drains quickly and keeps roots dry while allowing water absorption and good air infiltration to the roots. This is perfect for growing desert cacti, especially most Echinocacti, Ariocarpus, Turbinicarpus, Mammillaria and Lophophoras. Ariocarpus and Lophophora cacti are found in desert soil rich in limestone. Limestone is a sedimentary rock, composed mainly of skeletal fragments of marine organisms. It effectively neutralizes acidic substrates and potting mixes. Excellent for "hard growing" of most cacti found in and surrounding the Chihuahuan desert of the southwestern U.S. , north and central Mexico. The soils of the Chihuahuan Desert cacti are limestone in origin and have a basic pH, from 7.9 to 8.3. These soils can also be characterized as having more than 150 ppm (parts per million) calcium, at least 6 ppm magnesium, strong carbonates, and no more than trace amounts of ammonia. The soils test negatively for iron, chlorine, sulfates, manganese, and aluminum. Phosphorus and potassium vary somewhat throughout the range, but in most localities occur in trace amounts or are not present at all. Soils from the southern locality in Queretaro are not different from those to the north. The mineral substrate will be shipped in a small flat rate box measuring: 8 11/16" x 5 7/16" x 1 3/4" It measures approximately 6-8 dry cups. The weight varies because of the porous nature of many of the ingredients. I recommend potting in an amount twice the volume of the roots. Too much mix can cause it to remain wet longer than needed to hydrate and feed the cacti. All trace minerals needed by the cactus ar

From - 1 month ago