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Gotz Doll 19” Jessica~horseback Rider~Brown Hair,Brown Eyes~Germany NIB - $249 - (Tulsa, OK)

Götz~Jessica Doll. She is dressed as in horse back riding attire. Jessica measures approximately 19.5” tall. She has never been removed from the box. Excellent Condition !! Included are all the clothes , shoes& accessories in photos! In original Box!

Gotz Doll 19” Jessica~horseback Rider~Brown Hair,Brown Eyes~Germany NIB
Gotz Doll 19” Jessica~horseback Rider~Brown Hair,Brown Eyes~Germany NIB
Gotz Doll 19” Jessica~horseback Rider~Brown Hair,Brown Eyes~Germany NIB
Gotz Doll 19” Jessica~horseback Rider~Brown Hair,Brown Eyes~Germany NIB
Gotz Doll 19” Jessica~horseback Rider~Brown Hair,Brown Eyes~Germany NIB


Posted in Tulsa, OK, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago