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Sweetheart Chocolate & Wine Tasting - N.A. - (Fruita, CO)

Who doesn't love wine & chocolate? Sample both Enstrom and Guittard chocolates alongside a diverse selection of Colorado wines ranging from classic dry whites & reds to sweeter dessert options. Your ticket includes a tasting glass, unlimited samples of Colorado wines, chocolates, truffles and savory snacks as well as live music. Those participating in the Sweetheart 5k/10k will receive a discount of $5! Participating Wineries Include:Garfield Estates Vineyard & WineryGrand River VineyardsStone Cottage CellarsTalon Wine BrandsThe PeachforkWhitewater Hill Vineyards & Winery All event proceeds benefit the Colorado Association for Viticulture & Enology (CAVE), the only non-profit dedicated to the education and research of our Colorado winemakers and grape growers. #Cheers

Sweetheart Chocolate & Wine Tasting


Posted in Fruita, CO, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago