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Vintage 1950's Westinghouse Movie Projector Lamp Bulb (Brand-New-Original Pkg.) - $9 - (Franklin, NH)

Up for sale today, we have a Vintage 1950's Westinghouse Movie Projector Lamp Bulb. This item is still Brand-New, and in it's Original Package... The package is a bit tattered and worn but is still usable and holds the bulb safely and carefully to keep it from any damage. Also you will notice if you look at the enclosed very detailed photos, that there is NOT One Indication of the Part Number of this bulb ... anywhere, is you look all around the bulb, as I did when I opened it, NO Part # is apparent either.... So as to what it fits... that is unknown to me at the present time..... I did look on the E-bay Search Engine and found many similar bulbs listed there which look identical, but I have NO Positive Identification. So the buyer is on their own for that point. There is NO DAMAGE whatsoever to the bulb and it looks perfectly good, as it is still in it's Original New Package from the 1950's. So you be the judge.

Vintage 1950's Westinghouse Movie Projector Lamp Bulb (Brand-New-Original Pkg.)
Vintage 1950's Westinghouse Movie Projector Lamp Bulb (Brand-New-Original Pkg.)
Vintage 1950's Westinghouse Movie Projector Lamp Bulb (Brand-New-Original Pkg.)
Vintage 1950's Westinghouse Movie Projector Lamp Bulb (Brand-New-Original Pkg.)
Vintage 1950's Westinghouse Movie Projector Lamp Bulb (Brand-New-Original Pkg.)


Posted in Franklin, NH, Photo & Video
From - 1 month ago