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Sammons Preston Bendable Telescopic Mouth Stick, Adjustable Extended Pointer, & - $86 - (Red Oak, TX)

Thank you for visiting our ebay store! For over 50 years, Sammons Preston has been the premier brand in aids to daily living and homecare devices. Sammons Preston products are adaptive living aids that help people cope with their environment. Whether you are a therapist or patient, someone with special needs, or just have a need to make life easier and more accessible, Sammons Preston products can help you. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals rely on Sammons Preston adaptive utensils, adaptive plates and silverware, nosey cups, reaches and grabbers, grab bars, sock pullers, shoe horns, dressing sticks, hip kits, leg lifters, back scrubbers, gait belts, wheelchair belts, trays, and wheelchair accessories. These are the same high quality professional products used in hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. - Adjustable-angle mouth sticks allow better visibility and a the ability to act as a pointer or page turner with ease of maneuverability - Telescoping mouth stick extends from 14" - 19" and stays at desired length once adjusted - Pointer stick designed for typing on keyboards and turning pages in books for people without hand and arm function - Allows for greater independence for paraplegics and quadriplegics for basic daily activities like writing and typing - Not returnable if package seal is broken, latex free Sammons Preston Bendable Telescopic Mouth Stick, Adjustable Extended Pointer, &

Sammons Preston Bendable Telescopic Mouth Stick, Adjustable Extended Pointer, &
Sammons Preston Bendable Telescopic Mouth Stick, Adjustable Extended Pointer, &


Posted in Red Oak, TX, Health & Beauty
From - 1 month ago