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SALE 200 (50*4) Freestyle Lite Diabetic Glucose Blood Test Strips Exp 12/31/19 - $105 - (Hahnville, LA)

There is one box that has an expiration date of 03/31/2020 and 3 boxes that expire on 12/31/2019 the boxes can be sold separately or together in a bundle, send me a message!

SALE 200 (50*4) Freestyle Lite Diabetic Glucose Blood Test Strips Exp 12/31/19
SALE 200 (50*4) Freestyle Lite Diabetic Glucose Blood Test Strips Exp 12/31/19
SALE 200 (50*4) Freestyle Lite Diabetic Glucose Blood Test Strips Exp 12/31/19
SALE 200 (50*4) Freestyle Lite Diabetic Glucose Blood Test Strips Exp 12/31/19
SALE 200 (50*4) Freestyle Lite Diabetic Glucose Blood Test Strips Exp 12/31/19


Posted in Hahnville, LA, Health & Beauty
From - 1 month ago