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Blue Card (Certification Class) - N.A. - (Orland Park, IL)

Blue Card - Local Hazard Zone Management The Blue Card program is designed to train and then certify fire department officers who serve in the role of a local Incident Commander or Incident Management Team (IMT) members (as well as current FD member who is eligible to promote/act out of class in these roles/ranks). These members supervise/manage emergency and hazard zone operations for everyday, local, National Incident Management System (NIMS) Type four & Type five events. The programs standard and certification process is based on Alan Brunacini's book, Fire Command second Edition (originally published in 1985 and revised in 2002). This Local Command & Hazard Zone Management System has been used by 1,000's of fire departments around the world for over 30 yrs. The program is structured into 2 different segments: Training certification (Online: 50 hour prerequisite) Evaluation and testing certification (CTC Practical Simulations – three x 8 hour days/24 hours total)

Blue Card (Certification Class)


Posted in Orland Park, IL, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago