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Gotz Sasha Michel Boy Scout 16.5" Jointed Doll w/ Tags Tube 0008018 German - $400 - (Richlands, VA)

Gotz Sasha Serie #0008018 Michel Boy Scout 16.5" doll. From an estate. Was owned by a collector. Near mint condition. Small spot on front of one leg. Flag doesn't stay well at top of pole. Comes with wrist tag, hanging tags, accessories, and tube. Very clean w/ no bad odors. Marked on neck and back. Stands nicely. I've got other Sasha dolls listed. Check out my store! Be sure to read payment instructions and no non-paying buyers please. Thanks! Virginia residents will be charged 5.3% VA sales tax. Also, any buyer who picks up their item within the state of Virginia must pay 5.3% VA sales tax. I will ship the dolls internationally. Please contact me for shipping rate.

Gotz Sasha Michel Boy Scout 16.5
Gotz Sasha Michel Boy Scout 16.5
Gotz Sasha Michel Boy Scout 16.5
Gotz Sasha Michel Boy Scout 16.5
Gotz Sasha Michel Boy Scout 16.5


Posted in Richlands, VA, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago