TAGGIES ??3-6M??BUBBLE??Cute Pnk & Ornge W Appl Ducks w the Taggies-Lg Duck*BOW - $3 - (Selma, AL)
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Posted 1 month ago
Check out my other listings...Great items, Great Prices...Build your wardrobe SAVE ON SHIPPING.On the listings0-12M - just pay an additional .50,18-2T .75,3T and up 1.50 or less for each additional listing purchased in this range(sorry for the small increase in cost...USPS has gone up about 10%) You may return, i just can't refund the shipping as it has gone up again.Please contact me if you have questions. Also if you receive it and have a problem, please contact me. My goal is to have happy customers.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago