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Extra Quiet Beginner Mule Rides and Drives - $2,500 - (Bath, NC)

view video at Here is a 12yr old fourteen hand stocky mare mule that anyone can ride and is also broke to drive. This mule is super safe and will not get you hurt. She rides slow and easy and not in a hurry. She has been ridden by beginners and kids everywhere. She has been to mule days and camped with all over. This mule has been owned by the same person for 10 yrs. This is the perfect follow along relaxing trail mule. She is super easy to catch loads clips perfect and handles good. This mule will ride bareback just fine also. She will drive well and is traffic safe. Here is a solid little mule that is still stout enough for the adults that wont get you hung up! 2500 sells with a 10 day money back guarantee Located in Bath NC call 252943XXXX


Posted in Bath, NC, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago