Star Wars Original 35 mm. Movie Trailer REVENGE of the Jedi Perfect Provenance! - $5,900 - (Victoria, BC)
Original Theatrical Trailer.Star Wars: Revenge Of The Jedi. This is the original, unopened (35 mm.) theatrical trailer for Revenge Of The Jedi. A few weeks before the film's premier, George Lucas changed the title because he decided that "Revenge" was inappropriate for a Jedi.The title was changed to Return Of The Jedi and the theatrical trailers were recalled. This trailer survives in its original form.It has never been opened.It comes with its original box, labelled "Consolidated Theatre Services, Don Mills, Ontario."The box contains the original packing slip.The film reel itself is wrapped "to certify that the reel of film numbered in the margin has been approved by the Board (of Censors) under the Theatres Act and Regulations."The reel is numbered 53 - 13 - P. Because of the recall, very few Revenge Of The Jedi trailers still exist. At 24 frames per second (the standard for 35mm. film), there are many individual marketable cells here. This item should appeal to the serious Star Wars collector. This item is sold as a collectible. Sold as is - no returns.

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