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Ice Cream Machine, holds 8-1 gallon tubs, has sneeze guard and sliding glass - $540 - (Natchez, MS)

It has wheels on the bottom in order to move easily even with 8-1 Gallon tubs of ice cream in it. The sliding glass on top works perfectly. I have no issues with this machine at all. If you don't want it to have Blue Bell on the front, it can easily be painted over.

Ice Cream Machine, holds 8-1 gallon tubs, has sneeze guard and sliding glass
Ice Cream Machine, holds 8-1 gallon tubs, has sneeze guard and sliding glass
Ice Cream Machine, holds 8-1 gallon tubs, has sneeze guard and sliding glass
Ice Cream Machine, holds 8-1 gallon tubs, has sneeze guard and sliding glass
Ice Cream Machine, holds 8-1 gallon tubs, has sneeze guard and sliding glass


Posted in Natchez, MS, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago