Hand Wired Deluxe Micro Amp, Fender Circuit 5E3M, 12" Weber Alnico - $459 - (Elkhart Lake, WI)
HAND WIRED FENDER MICRO CIRCUIT 5E3M DELUXE AMP JUST COMPLETED, IN-HOME BUILT ONE AT A TIME The magic of the Fender tweed 5E3 build into a one watt single-endedclass A practice amp. Uses a 12AU7 as power tube. One input with Normal/Bright switch. Feedback switch for Normal 5E3, No Feedback, Added Feedback 1/4" Headphone jack Volume pot controls the preamp tube and Master Volume controlsthe power tube. You need to play with the Master Volume to getthe most out of this amp. Includes all vintage working tubes: 5Y3 rectifier, 12AU7 power tubeand 12AY7 preamp tube. A 12AX7 can be used in place of the 12AY7. Hammond Power Transformer 12" Weber Signature Alnico 12A125, 8 ohm speaker 20" L X 17" H x 9-1/2" D 28 pounds Dovetail jointed cabinet. Quality parts. Not a kit. Thanks for looking.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago