In Touch With Your Soul ONE-DAY Workshop - Dream Work and Your Soul - N.A. - (Fort Collins, CO)
In Touch With Your Soul - Dream Work and Your Soul This one-day workshop introduces us to translating our own dreams as the theater in which our psyche provides guidance from our soul.Dreams are a privileged unveiling of our unconscious and their symbolic language can be learned and understood as we further open to and embrace our intuitive nature. We are blessed that dreams are outside of control of our ego/will and therefore provide uncensored insight to who and what we are at a deeper level.We will learn about symbols, compensation, amplification and transference as well as subjective and objective levels and personal association. Effective dream work is not so much about concrete dream symbol interpretation as it is about the relationship with the underlying pattern the soul is engaged with at the time of the dream.We will dive into learning about both personal and collective dreams by calling upon the dreams of workshop participants and offering practical waking state guidance.(more details and

From Eventful - 1 month ago