Edith Wharton's Brown Fur Collar - $50 - (Bar Harbor, ME)
This is a brown fur collar that belonged to Edith Wharton. In her French will, she left them to her niece, Beatrix Cadwalader Jones Farrand (1872-1959). My great Aunt and Uncle, Lewis and Amy Garland were the life-long caretaker and housekeeper for Beatrix Farrand. I inherited this from my Aunt. Sorry I don't know enough about furs to tell you what type of fur this is. I have enclosed a copy of a letter from "The Mount" Edith's Lenox, Ma. home where I offered these to them in 2008. (I donated many items to them). These were obviously prized possessions, and they appear to have been taken off the coat or garment and saved. The brown collar measures 36" X 6". The underneath is a gauze material with black facing, all hand stitched. The section attached underneath measures 32" X 4".

From ebay.com - 1 month ago