NEW Balfor tractor mounted 450 Continental firewood processor - $24,500 - (Guelph, ON)
Made in Italy.Tractor mounted firewood processor. Requires 70 hp tractor with 3pt. hitch and 540 RPM PTO. Self contained hydraulics. Cuts up to 19" diameter logs.Chainsaw,includes in feed conveyor and folding output conveyor.2,4 or 6 way hydraulic split adjustment. Processes 7 ton/hr., Splitter force 18 tons. Machine weight 1505 kg.Watch video here For product literature click here You will need adobe acrobat to open the file. The Continental 450 is currently the fastest and highest performing firewood processor in its class. With a cutting diameter of 48 cm and a splitting force of 18 tons, exceptionally high outputs are easily achievable. The machine is operated from a single joystick for easy operation and less user fatigue allowing the operator to get the most from the machine throughout the day.OREGON Armor bar and 404 pitch chain gives high and long lasting cutting performance The chain and guide bar are accessible from the operator side, or through a dedicated rear opening for quick and easy unhindered access Timber is held by a toothed gripping arm that is activated automatically when cutting, and in addition 2 paddles hold the timber while cutting and automatically release once the cut in finished, delivering the log into the splitting chamber. This massively reduces the chances of a log falling incorrectly into the splitting chamber. The cutting length is adjustable, and the log stop automatically pulls away while cutting to prevent jamming of the saw The input conveyor is ultra high grip, ensuring that even wet or slippy timber is fed correctly into the machine. The 18 Ton log splitter has 3 speeds, in high speed the entire cycle takes only 3.6 seconds! The splitting knife is hydraulically controlled up and down, and can be easily removed if required with no tools necessary. The 5 meter conveyor belt is extended by a hydraulic ram, and also slews let and right hydraulically, so you can evenly load a large trailer. An oil cooler is fitted as standard to

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