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Low Rider Races & Pet Expo - N.A. - (Valley Center, CA)

Open to all Low Riders - Dachshund, Corgi, Basset Hounds and mixes of... The races are open to all dogs that are under 15" from shoulder to ground. We call them the "Low Riders" It will be so much fun to watch these “Low Rider” breeds race!! Dogs will be registered in a division depending on their size (we also have a cart stroller/carriage division for the seniors or handicapped dogs), we will have racing heats to narrow down each of the divisions for the WINNER!! This event is free to watch and there will be vendors and other activities going on for all to enjoy throughout the entire day… Race Rules and Things You Should Know:1. All dogs must be "Low Rider" breeds and mixes of... under the 15" from ground to shoulder.2. Each dog will need 2 handlers to race, 1 at the starting line as the "releaser" and 1 at the finish line as the "catcher."3. You may bring your dog's favorite toy as an incentive at the finish line.

Low Rider Races & Pet Expo


Posted in Valley Center, CA, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago