Science Olympiad Amazing Arthropods Workshop - N.A. - (Morris, IL)
Need help getting your team ready for Science Olympiad? Session one participants will meet live arthropods in an indoor up-close experience with these amazing creatures. You will be engaged by using a variety of interactive study tools. Content focus: visually recognizing and identifying the characteristics (basic biology and anatomy) of each listed Arthropod class and insect order, Linnaean classification, dichotomous keys, and arthropod life cycles. We will hold a “mock event” (5 stations) for students to get comfortable with the station rotation process. We will have coach-led study stations set up for teams to try out their existing knowledge. Program lasts 2.5 hours. Please preregister, (586) 781-XXXX. Time: ten a.m. & two p.m. Cost: $6 student Location: Stony Creek Nature Center – Map Me Contact: Phone: (586) 781-XXXX E-Mail: A Metroparks vehicle entry permit is required to enter any Metropark and is only $35 annually for regular admission, $21 annually for seniors or $10 daily.

From Eventful - 1 month ago