Paull's No. 0 Kerosene Lantern. Pat. July 25, 1890 & June 30, 1902? 1903? - $60 - (Abilene, KS)
For your consideration is a Paull's No. 0 kerosene lantern. This lantern is complete, but would need a new wick before it could be used and then it would still have cosmetic issues. The lantern or components of it received two patents. One on July 25. 1890 and one June 30, 1902 or is it 1903? Not counting the wire carrying handle; it measures 13 1/2" from the table to the top of the top tube. The bottom of the kerosene tank has a diameter of 6 3/4". This lantern is an old item that was used. When it is shook, something rattles in the kerosene tank. The fill cap is chipped. The thumbwheel can be turned forever and the wick will not move. The top tube is dented. It has been repainted and the metal wasn't properly prepped before painting. The bottom of the kerosene tank, does have one small hole that leaks. Please, carefully examine the pictures, as the pictures are part of the description. Local pickup is encouraged and local pickup is free.

From - 1 month ago