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6337 Antique Linen hall table runner/doily, fabulous floral crochet edge - $39 - (Anaconda, MT)

#6337 Here is a beautiful linen antique table runner/upright piano cover with a fabulous floral crocheted edging. The runner is natural linen, ecru, and the edging is also ecru, but much lighter in color. The crochet has fat little 3 dimensional flowers and pretty leaves. The runner has floral crochet on 3 sides, and just plain chain stitch on the back. The runner is 13 X 40 inches, with extra inches for the lace.

6337 Antique Linen hall table runner/doily, fabulous  floral crochet edge
6337 Antique Linen hall table runner/doily, fabulous  floral crochet edge
6337 Antique Linen hall table runner/doily, fabulous  floral crochet edge
6337 Antique Linen hall table runner/doily, fabulous  floral crochet edge
6337 Antique Linen hall table runner/doily, fabulous  floral crochet edge


Posted in Anaconda, MT, Household Items
From - 1 month ago