Vintage Sunbeam electric lawn mower RE-1500 - $69 - (Maitland, MO)
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Posted 1 month ago
Found in Grandpa's shed: very dirty, rusty, and old. I did not clean it up, other than scraping off some of the dead grass underneath. I plugged it in, turned it on. It ran. That is all I did. I didn't look under the tape to see what's up there. Sold "as is". Local inspection, payment, and pickup preferred (no S&H charge for local pickup.) But I will box it but and ship it. I'll have to take it apart somewhat, maybe ship it in two boxes. Sorry, I know the shipping is high, but it will be very costly and take quite some time to ship. Please pick up in person for free if you can. Sorry, sold strictly "as is": old, rusty, mostly untested, and uncleaned. No returns or refunds for any reason.

From - 1 month ago