Cord Cutting Guided Meditation with Roni Roehlk - N.A. - (Tinley Park, IL)
Join us as we create a beautiful space of healing, utilizing a perfectly lit candlelight setting. Clearing and Balancing our chakras is 1 of the most powerful things we can give ourselves. Our bodies are made of energy, the chakras (sandskrit~wheel of light) hold energy as well as give off energy. When any of our seven chakras are tampered with, whether through negative thoughts on ourselves or others, or even physical ailments, this type of low frequency energies get locked into our chakra centers. When this happens we create blocks on our emotional and physical well-being. Setting intention as we are guided through a balancing and clearing chakra meditation is a tremendous healing tool to manifest and create a state of emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Leaving you feeling energized, clear, connected and strong. Cost: $20

From Eventful - 1 month ago