Male & Female Miniature English Bulldog ** Litter Box Trained ** - $1,200 - (Jordan, MN)
Garage/Carport Description: Added Car parking. Property Type: Free Standing. Theme: Various other Style. All infants are litter box educated, rest educated, micro chipped and existing on chances. You are welcome to see us (Jordan, MN - simply outside Minneapolis, Minnesota) to meet our dogs. If shipping is essential, the cost of a personal courier to the local major flight terminal is $350. We have direct trips to most major airport terminals on Delta and Continental. If you need grant keeping a dog (moms and dads, property manager, partner, and so on) simply full that conversation now. It is important to us that everyone in the family members "be on board" with this decision, as we really feel each dog deserves to be a complete fledged and welcome member of your family members.

From American Listed - 1 month ago