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ACHC Trained - $2,000 - (Durham, NC)

We are a dog training facility and also offer dogs already started in training. This is Marley, a lovely, cute, curly haired F1 (1st generation) ACHC registered Goldendoodle. Marley has the more curly hair like a poodle and is on the smaller side, expected to mature around 50 pounds. He was born October 27th. Marley is very outgoing and playful. He learns quickly, but can be a bit stubborn. He absolutely adores children and is fairly gentle with them, but is still a puppy and his biggest thing we have to work on is mouthing. Marley would make a nice addition to any family! He is already taking very well to crate training and housebreaking, leash training, and is working hard on his basic obedience and puppy manners. Marley would love to meet you! His fee is $2000.


Posted in Durham, NC, Animal and Pets
From PuppyFind - 1 month ago