Nutcracker King 36 inch - $385 - (Greenville, NC)
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Posted 1 month ago
36 inches tallMade of woodCollectors itemDecorative jewelsThis nutcracker king is 36 inches tall, including his 8x8x1.75 inch red square base with gold trim. His uniform consists of a red and gold jacket, white pants and tall black pants with gold cuffs. The jacket has gold and emerald green epaulets, gold cuffs, collar and front with red jewels running down the front. It also has a black belt. His elegant gold crown has a red center with a clear crystal finial, green stripes around the base and decorated with red jewels at each point. He is ready to rule holding this elegant gold scepter in his right hand. It has red decorative accent's and topped with a crystal ball.

From - 1 month ago