Metal Industrial Coil Spring - $10 - (Tallahassee, FL)
A new Metal Industrial Coil Spring. Height: 3-1/2 inches Diameter: 1-3/4 inchesCoil Thickness: 1/8 inch Thank you for viewing this item. Please examine photos for details.Actual item may vary in color from screen representation. Items are shipped FAST!!! Usually within the same business day. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Once we confirm shipment of the item we are released from all liability including non-delivery and lost items.Items are only shipped to a Confirmed address. Any request for a change of shipping address by the buyer after a purchase, will result in the cancellation of that transaction,so please make sure that the correct,same confirmed shipping address is on your Ebay and Paypal accounts before purchasing. We combine shipping!!! U.S.buyers do not incur fees or taxes. We Do Not ship to P.O.Box. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase please give us the opportunity to resolve the problem. Our business is very important to us and we would never intentionally misrepresent a product or try to conduct unfair business. International buyers are responsible for all tariffs, fees, taxes, and duties related to the shipment of this item(s) to country of destination. Return:If you are not satisfied with our product, you may return to us for an item refund.ยท All returned products must be packaged in original package and same condition as received. Please do not remove any tags or labels that may be attached to your item.The item must include any and all contents of the package that was sent.Buyer must contact us first before returning the product to us.To receive a refund on the item, buyer must return the item within 30 days of receiving the item. Your post date thus must be within 30 days of the date we received confirmation that you received the item. Upon receiving the item, we will issue the customer refund within 6 business days.

From - 1 month ago