Sunlight Supply Ideal Air MiniSplit Air Conditioner & Heat Pump-36,000BTU 15Seer - $3,500 - (Fort Mill, SC)
Sunlight Supply Ideal Air MiniSplit Air Conditioner & Heat Pump-36,000BTU 15Seer Northern Tool Item# 64569 Only: $3499.95 Item Weight: 650 lb(s) Manufacturer: Sunlight Supply MPN: 700510 Estimated Delivery Time: 6 - 11 Business Days (See shipping information below) Shipping Policy: This item is factory shipped and requires a longer lead time. Delivery time will vary from 6 - 11 business days (M-F) depending on the delivery location. Please note that we do not ship items on weekends or holidays. Warranty: . Product Summary: This precharged Sunlight Supply Ideal Air MiniSplit Air Conditioner and Heat Pump has an advanced DC inverter compressor. The commercialgrade ductless unit features a flexible stainless steel 23ft. precharged line set with quickconnect fittings to allow for easy doityourself installation. No technician required. Product Type: Air conditioner/heat pump, Rated Amps: 14, Size: 36,000 BTU, Voltage: 240 Easy hookup between indoor and outdoor power unit30 ampsdB Rating: Indoor 40 dB, Outdoor 50 dBOffers up to 30% energy savingsAuto restart after power failureAmbient air temperature and individual room conditions may affect performanceRequires surge protection and a 240V dedicated 20 amp circuit Payment Instructions You can pay us securely through PayPal. ON U.S. PURCHASES, Northern currently collects sales tax on purchases shipped to all states and territories except: Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Delaware, Guam, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Marianas Islands, Oregon, Tennessee, Virgin Islands, and West Virginia. Shipping Information This product will be shipped by TRUCK FREIGHT. TRUCK FREIGHT Shipping: This item will ship via YRC Freight (or another common carrier or flat-bed) to your address. A phone number is required for Freight shipped items. Freight shipped items must be signed for and you will be responsible to assist in the unloading of merchandise from the truck bed. For an ad

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