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Flashy Draft Cross Gelding for Sale 9yrs Quarter Horse Clydesdale Chrome - $7,900 - (Bath, PA)

Flashy DRAFT CROSS GELDING for sale. nine years. Quarter Horse Clydesdale Fynn is a 9 yr old 15.2hh Quarter Horse Clydesdale Gelding SorrelChestnut with tons of chrome! Big Blaze and four stockings with an awesome disposition! Registered with NAERIC DOB 5262009 He is a really nice horse Natural Horsemanship trained and super smooth to ride! Good trail horse who is extra adorable and enjoys being around people. Traffic safe and rides alone just as well as with other horses. Nice horse for intermediate and advanced riders! He is easy to ride. Goes English or Westerngreat seat leg and rein cues. From Reining to Dressage. He has been in several parades as well! He has taken beginners on trail rides and has tons of trail miles including horse camping trips! He high line ties perfect for camping trips and is a blast to swim with! He has some ranch horse experience. Along with the trail and working experience he also has lots of quality formal training!


Posted in Bath, PA, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago