Big gentle draft - $5,500 - (Waco, TX)
Abe is a big stout draft horse. He is 9 yrs old and 16.2 hands old. He is a gentle giant. Lovable as can be. He is the kindest most loving personality. He comes up to you whenever he sees you making him the easiest horse to catch. He rides very well stands for getting on and off with a mounting block he is easy to handle can be rode in a halter and bareback. He has been rode all different trails with lots of different terrain. He goes where he is asked and doesnt hesitant. He has been in parades and been rode at church events. He safe for all ages. He has good feet he stands well for the farrier. He is good about bridling him but he is light in the mouth so he doesnt need much to get him to do what you want. He loads and hauls good. He is young with lots of good years left in him he is completely sound and healthy.
From Equine Now - 1 month ago