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Eurotool 6" Long Nose Plier Serrated With Cutter PLR-665.00 - $9 - (Eau Claire, WI)

New Eurotool 6" long nose plier serrated with cutter PLR-665.00. Heavy duty plier which offers good quality at a very reasonable price. Cushioned grip handles. Serrated jaws with a side cutter. Don't forget to check out my other Eurotools & other items. Please feel free to ask questions prior to buying. I DO NOT TAKE RETURNS SO ASK QUESTIONS PRIOR TO BUYING. Feedback will be left when feedback is received. Thank You.

Eurotool 6
Eurotool 6
Eurotool 6
Eurotool 6
Eurotool 6


Posted in Eau Claire, WI, Tools
From - 1 month ago