2000 Yamaha C2 Conservatory Series Grand - $16,888 - (Manhattan, KS)
Here is a "seasoned for destination" (Made for the USA) Yamaha C2 that is in MINT condition and ready for you to enjoy! The serial number is 5874965. You can confirm if a piano is (or is not) built for the US market here: https://www.yamaha.com/paragon/piano/serialnumberlookup.html? This 100th Anniversary edition piano measures 5'8" and is from the Yamaha Conservatory Collection. It has the soft-close keycover, duplex scale, and a whole list of other features found on the upper-end Yamahas. This piano has an ever-so-smooth action and you can float across the keyboard with ease. The tone is clear and expressive and this instrument is a JOY to play!!Both inside and out, you will appreciate her impeccable condition. You can spend over $40K for a new Yamaha C2X....or you can save around $25K (yes, keep nearly 25 thousand dollars in your pocket) and have every bit as fine of instrument.We try hard to make your choice as simple as possible.We deliver nationwide!

From ebay.com - 1 month ago