Adopt Phantom a Red/Golden/Orange/Chestnut - with White Beagle / Mixed dog in - N.A. - (Delaplane, VA)
Traveler and Phantom are 4-1/two year young attractive littermate Red Beagles with amber eyes. Their mom was a red beagle and dad was a black tri-color beagle. They are very friendly dogs that find themselves in need of a new home due to unforeseen medical and life issues. WAAAG has been asked to find someone who will love and appreciate what these two have to offer. Phantom and Traveler are very close and hate to be apart, but as they both have dominant personalities we feel that separating them would be possible. Traveler and Phantom are neutered, microchipped, crate-trained and fully house trained. Phantom and Traveler are both crazy smart and have the whole team work thing down pat. They can open doors with locks together, they can jimmy the lock on a baby gate. They watch and learn - quite amazing! Would you have a place in your heart and your home for 1 of these cuties? Their owner is handling all requests for information, please contact

From - 1 month ago