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Preowned Dish Network High Definition VIP 222K Dual Tuner Receiver - $60 - (Arthur, IA)

Preowned Dish Network High Definition VIP 222K Dual Tuner Receiver. Tested and working. Comes with remote. **RETURN POLICY** -Please contact us via Email before your return any items -Most issues can be fixed through our Email support -Please do not open a case until you speak to us via Email first. -Customer maybe be subject to 20% restocking fee and shipping charges -We do our best to give you 5-Star service -We are ready to help you with any issue you may have -The quickest way to get a response from us is by Email -We answer all questions usually within a few hours **QUESTIONS AND INQUIRIES** -If you have any questions please contact us via Email -We can answer any question about your order -We can also help you choose an appropriate item for your need -Please read the Ad for the item you are buying carefully -We are located in the USA and ONLY ship to the States. -PayPal Only

Preowned Dish Network High Definition VIP 222K Dual Tuner Receiver
Preowned Dish Network High Definition VIP 222K Dual Tuner Receiver
Preowned Dish Network High Definition VIP 222K Dual Tuner Receiver
Preowned Dish Network High Definition VIP 222K Dual Tuner Receiver


Posted in Arthur, IA, Electronics
From - 1 month ago