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Builders Best 012633 Roof Vent Cap, Black Galvanized Metal, with 6-inch... - $22 - (Warrenton, MO)

Thank you for visiting our ebay store! Builders best is a nationwide, high-performance manufacturer of quality venting solutions, designed to meet specific constraints of areas such as dryer venting, bathroom fan venting, fresh-air ventilation and general venting. The black metal roof vent cap 6 in. Collar has an electrically bonded epoxy finish for durability. It even has a back-draft flapper. - Removable 1/4-inch x 1/4-inch screen - Built in back draft flapper - With 6" diameter collar - With 6 inch diameter collar Builders Best 012633 Roof Vent Cap, Black Galvanized Metal, with 6-inch...

Builders Best 012633 Roof Vent Cap, Black Galvanized Metal, with 6-inch...
Builders Best 012633 Roof Vent Cap, Black Galvanized Metal, with 6-inch...
Builders Best 012633 Roof Vent Cap, Black Galvanized Metal, with 6-inch...


Posted in Warrenton, MO, Appliances
From - 1 month ago