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Prison Folk Art "Pano",Handerchief Drawing/Melvin Sedillo, 1990/"Influences" - $150 - (Santa Fe, NM)

Prison Art pano, or drawing on handkerchief, is a traditional technique done by Hispanic prisoners in the Southwest and made to be sent to friends and relatives. This beautifully drawn and detailed work was done by former prisoner Melvin Sedillo, who continued his cloth drawings and prison pano experience after being released. He became well known as an original folk artist, doing unique works beyond just prison imagery and selling drawing through folk art sources until his death in 2000. This work shows Sedillo's interest in his Hispanic/Mexican/Southwestern background, and in this case, European art as well. Titled “Influences”, signed, and dated Jan. 5, 1990, the artwork shows a wonderful portrait of an Indian woman with a feather headress and necklace in the middle, in the front of her a detailed picture titled “Rouen Cathedral 1210", and around these a Mexican pyramid temple with pre-columbian images and an eagle, a New Mexican Indian pueblo, another feathered headdress, a cross, and what seems to be a soldier on a horse by an adobe house, with yucca plants. His work truly is fabulous, and I have only this one left to sell. 16" x 20"; drawn on a thin, white handkerchief; excellent condition. Pano was bought circa 2000 from a person who had a large collection that he had originally collected working with New Mexico prisoners. _gsrx_vers_783 (GS 7.0.5 (783))

Prison Folk Art
Prison Folk Art
Prison Folk Art
Prison Folk Art
Prison Folk Art


Posted in Santa Fe, NM, Arts & Crafts
From ebay.com - 1 month ago