Ruth Niles Bottle Topper/Wine Stopper Wood Turning Mandrel #2 Morse Taper&Jaws - $21 - (Canyon City, OR)
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Posted 1 month ago
Ruth Niles #2MT-A MANDREL For Niles Bottle ToppersA top quality Mandrel for turning wood for Niles bottle topper kits (and many other topper/stopper kits) . This mandrel fits #2 Morse taper or can be clamped in many style of lathe chuck jaws...From the website;#2 Morse taper mandrel has a 3/8" x 16 tpi threaded stud with a tapping flute in the threads making it self-tapping in most wood. The 13/16" diameter collar is the same size as stopper top. A spanner hole makes it easy to get leverage when the wood gets difficult to remove. It is threaded for a 1/4" x 20 tpi drawbar.Free shipping on all bottle stopper orders... For other quantities, styles, mandrels, or combinations see other listings.

From - 1 month ago