Antique French Fruitwood Chest of Drawers Commode or Dresser FREE LOCAL DELIVERY - $1,600 - (Stowe, VT)
FREE DELIVERY (USA only) WITHIN 250 miles of Burlington, Vermont! Please email for details! This lovely fruit wood commode dates from around 1910. The style is simple but with interesting detail on the front of the drawers. One may be tempted to paint this dresser white, but we love the finish on the wood. There are three drawers for storing clothes, or use this as a buffet to store napkins and tablecloths, or plates and silverware. The dresser weighs about 100lbs. Sorry for the lack of pictures! We are working on getting more photographs up on eBay for this and other items. If you are interested in a particular item please message us and we will send some your way as soon as possible! Lu Lawrence French Antiques is a new dealer and importer of fine French antiques based in the lovely state of Vermont, USA. We ask for full payment within 7 days after purchase. LLFA is a family business and we are very eager to hear from the Ebay community. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you! -Kim and Alex

From - 1 month ago